Invest in Young Black Men
You can have an impact right now
Help keep the lights on!
Behind the Bars
Provide food for five participants in a session (a big way we motivate attendance)
Summer Camp
Support a full day of programming for a child in Little BRO Summer Camp, our literacy, STEM, and social-emotional summer program for 3-4th graders
BRO X Rites of Passage
Funds a day of Rites of Passage high school program for 20 young men of color
Social Worker
Fund a Licensed Social Worker to support youth from any of our programs for a month
Facilitator training
Funds the training a new BRO Experience facilitator
We are Excavating Untapped potential
Thank you for Supporting!
“Hey, everyone. I’m excited you’re exploring the work we do around transformational education with young men of color.
It’s my vision to create a world where young men of color represent all that is good in society.
We do this by increasing positive images of black men while creating spaces that foster Authenticity, Bravery, and Connection.
I’m asking you to donate because – whether directly or indirectly – we’re all impacted when people struggle.
The gift you give today goes to activating our transformational center, The BRO Space, so we can be a sustainable resource hub and give young men of color access to mental health support.
Thank you for believing!
With relentless intention,
Founder and Executive Director, Barry Cooper